
Robins Appleby

Providing marketing management, branding and social solutions for brands, publications, and people.


Robins Appleby LLP

Role: Project Manager, Production Manager

A previous client, I was thrilled when Robins Appleby contacted me regarding a redesign of their entire print package. We started with updating their corporate colour, from an orange/burgundy hue, to a deep rich, and strong red. We also designed a new standalone graphic in the merged R and A at the client’s request to be used on presentations and so forth. The completed project provided the client with the fresh, clean and bold new look that the client was thrilled with.

robinsLogoWeb (1).jpg

Print & Stationery Package

The package included a wide variety of items including business cards, window and windowless envelopes, Single page and multipage letterhead layouts, binder covers, binder spines, CD labels, and gusseted and not gusseted pocket folders. For elements that would be given to clients, such as business cards and pocket folders, we hit the Red logo and base bar with a spot UV for a higher end finish.


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